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God Does Speak to Us Personally
Updated Aug 23, 2024

God does speak to us personally!
But everything he says will always line up with the Word of God and how he’s revealed himself throughout history through Scripture.
When we detach the voice of God from the Word of God, we struggle to be able to discern what truth is. We have a hard time distinguishing between God’s leading and our own thoughts.

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Originally published by @everywomanatheologian. Used with permission.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/LillyRoadstones

Phylicia MasonheimerPhylicia Masonheimer is a national bestselling author, speaker, and host of the Verity Podcast. Her blog - Every Woman a Theologian - teaches Christians how to know what they believe and live it boldly. Theology touches every area of life, so Phylicia addresses cultural questions through the lens of church history and sound biblical interpretation. She lives in northern Michigan with her husband and three children. Follow Lisa on Facebook and Instagram.

